Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Red Orange Leaves.

Crackling on the way
 These winds never stay
Don’t hide those tears
And fold those tenfold fears
But people always say
Its life that we portray
You think it’s all forever
But neither life nor you were here
We had our greener days
Were happy in breezy sprays
Thought times would never end
On fleek those times spend
Had shades as thick you imagine
That grew with time like passion
But things don’t stay forever
It’s the law of universe, a hidden treasure
Let go is the message we give
Life isn't for living but to outlive.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Paths !

Paths were made
Sealing one’s fate.
Tunes high n low rung
For the songs of love and hate

Regrets will eat me up
Ghosts of past emerging high
Wake me up from this nightmare
 Reality’s also bitter, so I cry

Why I looked for others
Why felt pain of everyone
Lost in those paths; never meant for me
Tangled in the yarn; that others spun

Or is every stone stacking
In its place, is at home
Confusions organized as myriad divisions
Still clinging to faith; my only option.
(Samima )

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Once a star of a long lost galaxy
I now am mortal of few tendencies
My hands are shaky
My gait slow n weak
What point life arrived
Looking back feels weary

 I had once a river of love in me
Ended in sea of grief ... shortly
Wrath and anger consumed me all
 I was my life’s own adversary
Haste made my present invisible
Regrets magnified faults to infinity

Regrets are for the bounded ones
Remorse for the ones in captivity
The freedom of choice, to live as wish
Is your own, not other’s luxury
Then why you limit yourself as a star
When the universe is flowing in artery.

Such vastness of thought
Such awe in imagery
Physical strengths were a bonus
Provided for early mastery
Your ideas made you special
Not hercs or maiden personality

So be your own hero
Create your moons and Sun
Gloominess is not the very option
Hope will rescue all torn n weary
Get up and stand for your own self
Show the world your shiny destiny.
(Samima Shah-Faheem)