Tuesday, April 03, 2012

FYI You are the Apple of my Eye (by Samima)

(My Dear Husband)

You are the apple of my eye.
Brightest one of all
stars that shine over my sky.

A friend to shares with all my secrets
My ups, my downs
My lows, my highs.

It's been only 7 mere years
by looking you can guess
All my truths and some lies

Your perfect suiting
That bright blue shirt <3
And how can I forget that stripy tie.

Breakfast, lunch or let it be dinner
present or not, you are still there
Or at evenings, while making chai 

I'm surely in love with you
more then each passing sky.
God how to thank you, can only try

By counting my blessings, 
and thinking silence is best n golden
Got so much, how can I deny.